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Many asylum seekers are facing destitution and homelessness due to gaps in the home office support system. However, the ‘no recourse to public funds’ restriction that people are under prevents them from accessing long-term move-on options. A lack of stable, secure housing impacts people’s health and wellbeing. A lack of housing stability and adequate legal representation also limits people’s options to find a long-term remedy to their situation. To resolve these issues, CARAG will run a housing project, providing stable accommodation and access to good legal support. As a membership organisation made up of people with experience of the asylum and immigration system, we have in-depth knowledge and awareness of the needs of our community. Our Right to a Home project received funding from mi-friendly cities in March 2019 to explore models and build capacity around setting up a housing project. As a result we have worked on understanding the needs of our community and engaging with similar projects around the UK to explore best practice and business models. We therefore believe we are well-placed to run this project.

1.To provide stable accommodation for asylum seekers and migrants with no recourse to public funds who are facing homelessness in Coventry.
2. To manage the project in order to facilitate a long-term remedy for people’s destitution and homeless situation. We will do this by providing access to support including good legal representation, and the housing stability will enable residents to take advantage of this support.


Our Goal



Carag housing Project has a crowdfunding page that you can donate through. Please visit our page and make a contribution to our cause. Alternatively you can donate through our paypal account or contact us for bank transfer details.



You can help our cause by fundraising on our behalf. There is no limit to the imaginative ways in which you can help us raise money. We have a feew ways to help you get started and we hope you will be inspired by some of our fundraising ideas. Click on the icon below to get started.


Do you have a property to rent out or do you know any friends or family who have properties to let out in the Coventry area? If so please get in touch with our team.

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